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Providing Quality Installations
Since 2011.
Licensed in NJ & Orange County NY
Austin Integration, LLC - NJ Electrical Contractor & Custom Electronics Integrator


Protect & monitor your property... and everything on it.
Surveillance Cameras can prove to be a useful investment to deter theft & crime, while providing digital footage if something does occur.
They are also great for monitoring your property for many other purposes in both commercial and residential settings.
Digital video can be recorded in high definition on a secure Network Video Recorder (NVR) or the cloud and accessed via computer, tablet, and phone. You can record a few days or several weeks of footage. Typical small to medium residential & commercial systems consist of a 4, 8, 16 and 32 channels (or cameras), but could be any quantity desired to accommodate the necessary coverage.
IP (Internet protocol) & WiFi cameras have become the type of camera most commonly utilized, delivering high quality video and features. These cameras can be powered via POE (Power Over Ethernet) and send video & audio over a single Category cable for each camera location, Or over a wireless connection powered by an electrical outlet or solar panel.
There are many camera styles and features to choose from depending on the application the camera is being used for, such as exterior, interior, seeing long distances, low light, etc..
It is best to install the necessary cabling to camera locations during a re-model or new construction build.
Of course, it is possible to install cables in a retrofit situation, although sometimes the desired spot for a camera may be difficult to get to without removal of some drywall or other building material.
Even if you are not sure if you want to install cameras immediately, it is best to install the wiring when areas are accessible during construction and have the wiring in place for the future. The cost for installing just the cabling for a camera system while a structure is accessible, is far less than if it needed to be fished-in walls, ceilings, attics and crawl spaces later on.