Call Austin Integration
Providing Quality Installations
Since 2011.
Licensed in NJ & Orange County NY
Austin Integration, LLC - NJ Electrical Contractor & Custom Electronics Integrator

Would you like to be able to automate the lighting in your home & control it from you smartphone or tablet?
Set schedules for your interior and exterior lights.
Have randomized security lighting when you go away.
Turn on a path of lights when you pull in your driveway.
Whether you would like to start with just one room or your whole house, We can design and install a lighting system that works for you.
Lighting Control has many benefits and uses.
Save Energy
If your interested in saving energy!
We can replace your halogen & incandescent bulbs with energy efficient L.E.D. bulbs and add dimming capability.
Install daylight sensors to adjust the lighting automatically according to the amount of light in a room.
Sensors that turn lights on and off when a room becomes occupied or un-occupied.
Adding integrated control of your heating and cooling system by replacing your existing thermostats and utilizing climate control through custom schedules, smart therostats & in-wall keypads will offer the greatest savings for your energy bills.